Prince George's County Monitored Transfer Services Schedule
Prince George's County Supervised Access Schedule

At this time, CRC is only able to provide access and visitation services for those clients with valid court orders from either the Circuit Court or the District Court of Prince George's County. If you come through either of the two aforementioned courts with a court order explicitly written for access or monitored transfer, and at least one parent lives in Prince George's County, we can serve you, after you go through orientation at the Circuit Court.

Before starting at the Hyattsville or Brandywine centers, each parent has to first go through the intake process handled by the Family Division Family Support Services (FSS) at the P.G. Circuit Court. FSS can be reached at 301-952-3213.  If you have not gone through orientation with them first, then you cannot begin services at a CRC center.

If you do not meet our guidelines for Prince George’s County, you may be able to find facilities on this page of access and visitation links provided by the Maryland State Law Library.

Thank you from all of us at the Children's Rights Council.

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