VII.Parental Behaviors (pg. 3 of 3)

Set a good example for your child(ren) as a loving, considerate, responsible parent; make your comments and behavior toward the other parent in a courteous manner. Endeavor to help your child(ren) view the Safe Haven Program in a positive way.  Children imitate their parent’s behavior, including perspectives of transfer and supervision.  Let them know they are there to visit the other parent or to be transferred in a safe and caring environment.

Parents not under protective orders may speak with the other parent if both parents wish.  Keep the conversation polite and non-controversial.  Arguing or inappropriate comments are not allowed in the presence of children or staff.  Should either parent get “out of control”, monitors are directed to intervene, and if necessary, initiate security procedures.

Parents are reminded to consistently arrive on time.  Too early or late arrivals may create additional anxieties for your child(ren).  Additionally, your child(ren) may make new friends at the Center and look forward to the brief time available to interact with others.

The Court and the Children’s Rights Council want you to have a pleasant child/parent transfer and access experience.  Strive to be positive and cooperative, and keep the process safe and secure for your child(ren) and all others participating in the Safe Haven Program.

VIII. Special Considerations

Inform the monitor(s) if your child has a special emotional or physical need.  The continued safety, health and wellbeing of all children are the first priorities.

If there is a protective order in place against another person, be sure to inform the Center Director or Supervisor, and bring a copy of the order for your record.

Safe Haven Program personnel are not counselors or attorneys.  Monitors may not discuss the merits of your particular case or give professional advice.  You are also advised to refrain from discussing your case with other parents.  Like you, they are using the center strictly for the benefit of being with or transferring their child(ren).

With the exception of legal documents, parents may pass messages and letters at the Access Center and/or exchange items necessary to make the child’s stay more pleasant and safe with the other parent by providing such items as medicines, special diet foods, clothes and/or favorite toys.  However, monitors have no authority to force another parent to accept them.

Clean up after use of your area.  Remove all trash and personal belongings.  CRC does not provide storage areas to keep clothing, toys or other items between visits.

It is a requirement of all parents to state in writing their agreement to observance all rules and guidelines before being allowed to participate in the Safe Haven Program.

If you have questions or concerns about the Safe Haven Program, please discuss them privately with a monitor or the Center Director at your earliest convenience.